Star Trek The Next Genertion Deep Space Nine Voyager Enterprise The Movies

Original TOS episode count: 79

Star Trek


Season 1:
  03 Where No Man Has Gone Before
  04 The Naked Time
  10 The Corbomite Maneuver
  12 The Menagerie, Part 1
  13 The Menagerie, Part 2
  14 Balance of Terror
  22 Space Seed
  23 A Taste of Armageddon
  25 The Devil in the Dark
  26 Errand of Mercy
  28 The City on the Edge of Forever

Season 2:
  01 Amok Time
  04 Mirror, Mirror
  06 The Doomsday Machine
  10 Journey To Babel
  15 The Trouble with Tribbles

Season 3:
  09 The Tholian Web
  15 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield

Episode Count: 18


Season 1:
  03 Where No Man Has Gone Before
  04 The Naked Time
  10 The Corbomite Maneuver
  12 The Menagerie, Part 1
  13 The Menagerie, Part 2
  14 Balance of Terror
  18 Arena
  22 Space Seed
  23 A Taste of Armageddon
  24 This Side of Paradise
  25 The Devil in the Dark
  26 Errand of Mercy
  28 The City on the Edge of Forever
  30: Operation: Annihilate!

Season 2:
  01 Amok Time
  04 Mirror, Mirror
  06 The Doomsday Machine
  09 Metamorphosis
  10 Journey To Babel
  15 The Trouble with Tribbles
  17 A Piece of the Action
  26: Assignment: Earth

Season 3:
  02 The Enterprise Incident
  09 The Tholian Web
  15 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
  24 All Our Yesterdays

Episode Count: 26


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Memory Alpha Star Trek Seasons